Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science


Generative AI: The Curious Case of Commonsense and Creativity (April 20)

Led by Smaranda Muresan, Associate Professor of Computer Science at Barnard College.


Humans and Artificial Intelligence: Similarities and Differences (May 18)

Led by John Morrison, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Cognitive Science Program at Barnard College.


Mind and Machines: the Psychology of Artificial Intelligence (June 22)

Led by Kate Turetsky, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Barnard College

A cross-disciplinary introduction to key questions about the implications of artificial intelligence for our understanding of who we are as humans.

About Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

Explore the pioneering science of artificial intelligence and its intersection with human cognition in this three-part series. First, we will examine the capabilities, limitations, and future directions of contemporary AI models like ChatGPT. Next, we investigate how the inner workings of AI are both like and unlike the human brain, and the extent to which we can attribute genuinely human-like abilities to AI models. Finally, we delve into the evolving psychology of human-AI interactions, and how our social and moral perceptions of AI shape our engagement with this new technology. This interdisciplinary series provides insight into the cross-cutting research shaping our understanding of AI, its role in our lives, and even what it means to be human. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the current state of AI and the intriguing possibilities that lie ahead.

This topic includes three breakout sessions:

  • April 20: Generative AI: The Curious Case of Common Sense and Creativity (read more here)
  • May 18: Humans and AI: Similarities and Differences (read more here)
  • June 22: Mind and Machines: the Psychology of Artificial Intelligence (read more here)

If you have questions about this Topic, email

Registration is Open Now!

Barnard alums (and individuals they invite) and families of current Barnard students can now register for the Spring 2024 Explorers Series — the inaugural Barnard|Next classes. Questions about participation can be addressed to