Dear Members of the Barnard Community,

When I wrote to you earlier this semester, I announced Shaping Barnard’s Future Together, a process in which we will collaboratively chart the course Barnard takes over the next decade. 

Since then, hundreds of you have shared your own visions for the future of Barnard. I sincerely thank you for discussing the joys and challenges of your Barnard experiences with me. 

I write today to share how we will move from this stage of sharing and listening to a new stage of dialogue and exploration. Based on your feedback, we have identified eleven critical areas of attention, and I’m excited to announce that we have convened new Task Forces to address each of these areas. Among these Task Forces is the task force on dismantling and preventing hate and discrimination on campus, including Islamophobia and antisemitism, that I announced in my email dated October 26.

Starting this month and through the end of this calendar year, each Task Force will dive deep into its subject matter and develop concrete steps to ensure Barnard’s continued eminence.  Please refer to our new Shaping Barnard’s Future Together webpage for more information about the specific topics that these Task Forces will address.

Each Task Force will also post a public meeting date on this webpage. I encourage you to attend these meetings as they will be the best forum to continue voicing your ideas as we develop action plans together. 

Thank you for being a part of Barnard’s present and our future. 

Very truly yours,

President Laura Ann Rosenbury

Task Forces

  • Dismantling and Preventing Hate and Discrimination on Campus
  • Curricular Innovation & Student Success
  • Institutional Effectiveness
  • Climate & Sustainability
  • Health & Wellness
  • Facilities & Infrastructural Care
  • Artificial Intelligence & Technology
  • Access & Inclusion
  • Strengthening the Barnard Community & Our Position in the World
  • Funding Opportunities & Expense Stewardship
  • Other Big Questions